So, I was stuck at my house, with a 5 year old. So I decided, what the heck, I'll show him Doctor Who.
I decided to show him the weeping angels and daleks. I told him about the master, but we didn't have enough time to show him the master.
When I was showing him the season finale of season 4, with Davros and the daleks, he though Donna, Davros, the Doctor, and the other Doctor were all the master in disguise, and said Davros looked like a dirty chicken head.
When I decided to show him Evolution of the Daleks, he dismissed Dalek-sec in dalek/human form as an octopus with a brain, and decided that the pig slaves were fat women in disguise.
When I showed him the Weeping Angels, he kept on asking why the angels weren't moving, and why everyone wasn't dead, and why angels were bad, and why they were statues.
Then he chased me with a hanger and pissed himself.
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