Tuesday, September 4, 2012


My Grandmother makes homemade cookies, now before you track down my IP adress and come to steal these homemade cookies, I have news for you. You'll never get them! Mwuahahahaha! I have them in safe, with 50 locks, and I've ate all the keys, that we're baked by my Grandmother!

But on a more serious note, they're absolutely delicious. But they have to have some secret ingredient, because once you have one, you want another, and before you know it you're chewing on the plastic bag it comes in, hoping to get some crumbs since you already stuffed all the cookies down your mouth.

I don't know why, but once I have one, I have to have another. And another. And another. And another...

Whats funny, is that I'm not fat. You'd think I am, if you've read my early posts about grilled chicken and whip cream. I must be a fat person in a skinny person's body, because all I do is eat and eat and eat, and my metabolism goes as fast as it can so I don't turn into a blob. One day, my metabolism is just gonna hit the brakes and I'll be on a documentary about skinny people turning into fat people.

Hopefully that doesn't happen, they'll probably put the documentary on Animal Planet, and I'll be right after that mermaid bullcrap.

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