Monday, September 17, 2012

Pixel Fusion - CARD SET 1

I like pixelated things, so I decided to create some cut-out pixelated trading cards. I do things when I'm bored, from making papercraft Doctor Who figurines to designing my own papercraft things. I decided I liked trading cards and I liked retro art, so I made 5 sets of 'Pixel Fusion' cards. I will be releasing them slowly, but they're easy to make- Print, cut, and then glue the cover onto the back. Simple. Well, here you go.

There is the dropbox link, here is what it looks like (Smaller than size on dropbox link)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You're probably wondering why I just posted four blog posts in around an hour

My blog is rarely updated, and when it is, I'm going to make sure it isn't just one post. I'm gonna make sure it's a nice amount. Like, four to five. I mean, why not? I like typing, and I can type fast.

Why don't I just post like twenty-six posts a day? Because I have things to do. I have a life.

Those things involve Doctor Who, eating, and my Minecraft server.

I guess I can squeeze my blog in, so I can finally say "I have an active blog, no, not one updated every week, nope, I got a blog that doesn't just die after a few monthes, I have an actual blog with actual content!"


My Grandmother makes homemade cookies, now before you track down my IP adress and come to steal these homemade cookies, I have news for you. You'll never get them! Mwuahahahaha! I have them in safe, with 50 locks, and I've ate all the keys, that we're baked by my Grandmother!

But on a more serious note, they're absolutely delicious. But they have to have some secret ingredient, because once you have one, you want another, and before you know it you're chewing on the plastic bag it comes in, hoping to get some crumbs since you already stuffed all the cookies down your mouth.

I don't know why, but once I have one, I have to have another. And another. And another. And another...

Whats funny, is that I'm not fat. You'd think I am, if you've read my early posts about grilled chicken and whip cream. I must be a fat person in a skinny person's body, because all I do is eat and eat and eat, and my metabolism goes as fast as it can so I don't turn into a blob. One day, my metabolism is just gonna hit the brakes and I'll be on a documentary about skinny people turning into fat people.

Hopefully that doesn't happen, they'll probably put the documentary on Animal Planet, and I'll be right after that mermaid bullcrap.

Math Dalek

I was watching Doctor Who Series 7, episode 1 on saturday. I loved it, it was an amazing episode. I mean, come on, it was a dalek episode. The dalek episodes are always great- Atleast for me, of course.

Now, daleks like to shout out things like 'EXTERMINATE!', 'EXPLAIN!', and other things. This gave me an idea:


Now, if you're not amazed already, guess what he would say?


Isn't that amazing? I bet a hundred people have came up with this. But I can put him in a video about math, make that video poorly made, spam it, put a misleading title, and a fake thumbnail on it, and then watch as the views come in!

Or this idea could be lost in this blog, and then some rich animator could pick this up and animate about it. Then I can complain about it and say I came up with that first and get in an argument that will turn into a fued that the History Channel will do a documentary on.

Tiny Baseball Bats

If the apocalypse comes, I'll have the following gear.

A tiny baseball bat.
A ripped up beat up backpack.
Fancy hats.

I'm pretty sure I'll survive for a long time, I mean, look at how well I'm prepared! But theres one thing that I really like- THE TINY BASEBALL BAT. It's so small, I think I bought it at a baseball game, I don't know what I was thinking. It's so small! I could see if I got two, then I could have like dual baseball bats?

So if you come at me with a normal sized baseball bat and a fez, I'm probably gonna surrender.

Legend of the toilet

When the futuristic laser hunting jetpack wearing people of the future year 4000 go around to talk about scary things, they're probably gonna talk about the toilet.

We all know by 4000, all toilets will be dead. They'll come up with a better way to deposit their urine, crap, and such. They'll probably find a way to store it instead of throwing it away. We all know if normal future people don't think toilets are scary in 4000, the futuristic hybrid golfish humans would definitely shiver at the word.

Why? Because toilets are just abnormal. Sure, they work, but there has to be a better way to use the restroom. I mean come on, whenever I goto a fancy food place, I always have to well, take a dump. And when I do, the toilets are so dirty and stuff, and I don't want to sit on that! The future will have like, pants you wear, that when you activate them, you'll beable to do your business, and it will be stored in a futuristic cartridge, that is air-tight and futuristic. Then you can sell the cartridges, and they'll be made into brown paint for the futuristic 4D printers.

I don't know why I wrote this. I just needed to post something.

I'm probably gonna lose the 0 followers I have!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Messing around with Green screens in Minecraft

Since Rlack made such awesome movie posters for "Time, Space, and Cinnamon" I decided to mess with Green Screens in Minecraft, too. Here are some I made.

This one was the most complex, as when I tried having a pile of arrows and bow, it created problems. So I had to redo that and eventually I got a pile of diamond armor and an iron sword. Then I looked on the internet for a hand image, found one, and resized it and cut it apart until I got it where I wanted, then layed the diamond armor and sword on to it to make it look like the hand is holding the armor. I was gonna make it a .gif and have the armor and sword bounce and wiggle around, but that would of took a really long time. The one below me, the Exterminate picture, was really fun to make. It was the easiest and the first green screened image I made. I don't know if it looks like a dalek that much, but it is still really cool and I'm glad I made this. It showed me how easy green screening in Minecraft was and how I could use it to make cool and interesting images.


Rlack made me awesome movie posters!

This one is my favorite, Rlack made this one.
My friend Rlack used green screens to create awesome "Time, Space, and Cinnamon" themed images for potential movie posters. Here are some of them.
This one was made by Rlack, it shows Cinnamon arriving at a Jungle planet.

This one was also made by Rlack, it shows Cinnamon in the Time Vortex.


A shoutout to Palacia

A Shoutout to my friend Rlack's server - Palacia!

Palacia's main attraction- The Palace
Palacia is the main area of the server, it is a large circular island with a large moat. There is also a marvelous palace, a hedge maze, houses for workers, my house, a TARDIS, and a Time Capsule, along with a farmhouse and farm.

Theres a banquet hall and ball room in Palacia, all designed for marvelous parties.

Theres a lot of cake, too, and some same Palacia produces more cake then cake itself.

Theres also events, roleplaying, and other fun stuff to do on the server. Sometimes Rlack or me invite people for banquets or balls at Palacia, and sometimes we don't. And we're not giving the IP of the server out, as Rlack does not want griefers.

Palacia's Ballroom.
The circular grassy land of Palacia and the watery water moat is magnificent and it is a must see for anyone visiting Minecraftia.

They have many things that will make you come back for more Palacia action, like balls and banquets and events. Sometimes Palacia is attacked, and the world turns from cakey wakey and cherry rerry to deadly weadly and dangery wangery. Playing on Palacia is a lot of fun, and if you're ever invited to a Palacia banquet or ball, I'd accept that invitation, because missing out on a Palacia party is like missing out on life. If you ever do visit Minecraftia or find your way on my friends list, expect an invitation, and expect to have a lot of fun.

Palacia's banquet hall.
Unless, well, you have a criminal record, in which case you won't be allowed in Palacia and we'll probably execute you on sight with a fire axe.

Palacia is a nice place to be in Minecraft, and it's fun to dance in the Ballroom and eat cake at the Banquet Hall.

When a big Banquet or Ball is going on, a lot of people will come, from friends of mine to friends of Rlack to friends of friends of friends of mine to friends of friends of friends of Rlack to friends of their friends to friends of my friends. What I'm trying to say is that the big events always have a lot of people with their bowties on and their hats atop their heads and their monocoles and their fancy skins all uploaded and ready to party.

Showing a 5-year old Doctor Who

So, I was stuck at my house, with a 5 year old. So I decided, what the heck, I'll show him Doctor Who.

I decided to show him the weeping angels and daleks. I told him about the master, but we didn't have enough time to show him the master.

When I was showing him the season finale of season 4, with Davros and the daleks, he though Donna, Davros, the Doctor, and the other Doctor were all the master in disguise, and said Davros looked like a dirty chicken head.

When I decided to show him Evolution of the Daleks, he dismissed Dalek-sec in dalek/human form as an octopus with a brain, and decided that the pig slaves were fat women in disguise.

When I showed him the Weeping Angels, he kept on asking why the angels weren't moving, and why everyone wasn't dead, and why angels were bad, and why they were statues.

Then he chased me with a hanger and pissed himself.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Server Review: 'EndZ'

I was bored waiting for Tim to get on to play some more MineZ, so I looked for another DayZ Minecraft server.

I wish I didn't.

The server had a decent spawn, you started with a starter stone sword, which was helpful. I walked up, read all the rules and whatnot, got mad my skin wasn't showing up, and clicked the teeny weeny button to spawn.

Literally. This is not where you place one of your random spawns. When I respawned on this server I always spawned on a tree. Always.

I'm not joking. They killed me in 2 - 3 hits and were extremely fast. Shift-clicking didn't help them not detect you too.

Due to the fact a kit is given and a command is typed when you click the button, the normal kit you start with when you spawn can be spammed every 10 - 15 seconds. Meaning you're not going to run out of leather chestplates, water, and wood swords. Or stone swords, you can spam the stone sword kit too.

You start with a map, and I looked at it. There was no cities or ruins or anything. Just patches of forest, desert, and plains. It looked like it was done in World Painter.. done in World Painter badly, more like it.

The map wasn't done, one of the builders told me, the zombies weren't fixed yet, I mean, the zombies got into spawn. What the hell. This server was launched to early and shouldn't be relaunched for a long time. They need to fix all these problems.

Overall, I give it a 1.3/10. This is a Minecraft server I'm reviewing, by the way.

What happens when you can't afford DayZ

I couldn't afford DayZ, but I wanted an apocalyptic player versus player experience. So, I was on my Minecraft server, building some things, when my friend, told me about MineZ.

Basically DayZ in Minecraft. A lot less hardcore- Mainly because people team up with people they don't know instead of friends they already know.

It's really easy to survive aslong as you have food and water. It's also really easy to go on killing sprees in Portsmouth because well, who doesn't go on killing sprees in Portsmouth with new player gear and come out with chain armor, flee to the Logging Camp, and get some bits of iron armor?

Yeah, yeah, if you see some of my footage I kinda do look like I'm not that good, but fraps lags the shit out of me, and bandicam can only record up to 10 minutes. And every night I get like 2 hours of footage to cut up so having to click a button to record again every 10 minutes would be really annoying.

I really want DayZ.

Friday, August 17, 2012

ILLEGAL FRUIT - A novel I'm going to write

Alright, I decided to write ILLEGAL FRUIT.  It's basically going to be a novel about rebellion and the rich and the royal and people hiding canalope in whip cream.. cans? Bottles? Boxes? What do you call those things? Containers?

But yeah, the novel centers around this skinny guy who wears a french hat, whatever they call those, and wears fancy glassees and a bowtie, because bowties are cool. He also loves fruit like everyone else and is going to lead a rebellion because the rich and the royal decided that fruit should be illegal for some reason.

The book is going to focus on rising and falling, like the rebellion taking the city but then the city falling because, well, noone can agree on anything. Once they learn fruit is so scarce and they need to preserve it and use it to grow more, and that they need to focus on planting things and trying to make the dull grey Earth green again, like the rich and royal were doing, but only for themselves.

The rebellion erupts into chaos, as some people want the fruit now, and the others want to try purifying the Earth, and the rest think they want the fruit for themselves, and before you know it it is all out war, and the Earth is trembling and then something so menacing and terrifying happens that I haven't came up with yet. I could of said I wasn't going to spoil it, but I haven't came up with that part yet.

So yeah, if you have any suggestions send me a message on steam or comment on this post.

I'm writing too many posts

I'm so absorbed into this blog because it's the only thing to do I am writing and typing so many posts noone can keep up. I think. This happens to me a lot.

Whenever I start writing something like a novel about fruit being illegal, I write a lot of it and then I just drift off and start writing a novel about vegetables being on the internet. And then I drift off from that and decide to just play some more Fallout 1 instead.

Hopefully that doesn't happen to this blog and hopefully I stay active and write more posts for the 0 followers I have at the moment. Or maybe I'll just play more Fallout 1 instead.

I should get this blog published on the Kindle.. then I will be influenced to make more posts as it will be making me money.

Hence why I like to make a lot of youtube videos, because I can make cash money off of them. Even though I only have one video up and thats that hilarious Fair Tradin' video you guys haven't made viral yet. I expected it to have 10,000,000 views by today. But it still only has 26! Maybe that is because I'm unknown and unwatched and unread. Or maybe I'm not spamming my blog website link page thing url enough.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm going to continue spamming my blogs with posts so you can read them. Because we all know you love reading what I write. That illegal fruit book idea sounds like a good idea, maybe I should actually work on that..

Dollar Twenty-Five Dollar Books

If you goto a Dollar Tree to get your books like I do, then you should no longer be ashamed. Because you're not alone. I get my Dollar Twenty-Five Dollar Books from Dollar Tree too. Maybe I'm the only one, I'll never know.

I first got a Dollar Twenty-Five Dollar book when I discovered a book by Scott Adam at Dollar Tree for only a Dollar like everything in the store. I like Dilbert, so I grabbed it. Fun fact, this book was just his blog printed into a hardcover with Twenty-Five slapped on the cover. Yes, I got it for a Dollar and inside the book it said plain as day-

CANADA - $30

Basically, his book sold so badly Dollar Tree was the only one to sell it and they had to sell it for one pitiful Dollar. I'm captalizing Dollar because I want to. And I already did a bunch of times so I'm not gonna stop to correct it. I'm too lazy for that.

Maybe I can reprint my blog onto hardcover not including the posts with copyrighted things in 'em and sell it for Twenty-Five Dollars. Probably would find it at Dollar Tree one day, most likely called 'Toasty Cinnamon's Book - It's better than Toasty Cinnamon's blog which is better than cinnamon.'

What I'm saying is start buying your books from Dollar Tree instead of Barnes 'n' Noble.

My Fallout 1 Experience

I was playing Fallout 1 today, on a save with 32 days to get the waterchip and get it back to the Vault.

So I exited the Brotherhood base, which I was at, and headed to Necropolis. I'm pretty sure the waterchip was there.
When I got there I knew the mutants would be there- I had an assault rifle with little ammunition, a hunting rifle with a whole lot of ammunition, and a shotgun with 20 shells. I had 23 days now to get the waterchip and get it back to the Vault.

I was going to either run out of time or get mauled by mutants since I think I was only level 3 on this save.

The first mutants I found were unarmed, and were easy to dispatch. I wasted my assault rifle ammo on them, which I regret, because I encountered a mutant with armor and a laser rifle, and I had to take him head on with a hunting rifle and shotgun, as he basically zapped me to near death.
Good thing I had a bunch of stimpaks.

He ran out of ammunition, which was a little sad- I wanted that laser rifle and some ammunition, I knew there would be more mutants ahead with deadly weapons like this.
I killed him, healed up, and took the laser rifle.

I noticed 3 mutants protecting some loot, and decided to try and take them on. What I didn't know was one of them had a flamethrower. When he came out I made sure to focus fire on him, I got him wounded, but he shot a blast of flames at me, missed and hit his friend instead. I eventually shot him enough that he attempted to escape, but dispatched him with a shot. The other unarm was simple, as he would get up close and a few shotgun blasts would kill him.

So I looted the flamethrower, after getting rid of a bunch of books and ammunition, with 4 flaming fire-y blasts left in the thing. I saved there and took a break, glad I had gotten through the first few mutants and came out with a flamethrower.

Does anyone know how to fix the glitch with the screen and how everything turns black and you have to move your mouse around to erase that black to see things? Don't know how to describe it, but it is pretty annoying. The game is a lot of fun, but this glitch isn't.

Also, go buy Fallout 1 now.

Time Paradoxes

Watched a show a long time ago about some guy who wanted to make a time machine to travel back in time and stop his father from being killed. So many problems with that plan.

If he actually made the machine, and went back in time, stopping his father from being killed, that would cancel him out making the time machine, meaning his father would still be killed, making the time machine, but going back to stop his father's death, canceling out the machine.. making his father still die.

So theres no way to go back in time and save your family. Because when you goto save your family with the time machine, saving them will cancel out you using the time machine, canceling them out.

Which is why I'm going to say this.
Whenever Time Travel is invented, never interfer. Only observe. Unless there are crying children, of course.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Pittsburgh tunnel subway trolley thing that goes under the river

I once went to a baseball game, with $27 tickets. And I didn't feel like driving, so I coughed up some cash and took the trolley tunnel train subway thing that goes under the river. I was so excited to go under the muddy dirty polluted rivers of Pittsburgh and see all the dead fish. I live in Pittsburgh, yet I know how dirty our rivers are. But dead fish and lots of mud is fun too, you know! I was excited to see all these spectacular dirty things.. and when we went under the river, the tunnel wasn't made of glass, it was made of stone. I was pissed. Well, I shouldn't of been pissed, because it goes under under the river, meaning its' under the real under of the river. Confusing. Still wanted to see dead fish. The baseball game was fun.
Then I got to see dead fish, on the second game I went that year. I went with $55 tickets this time with VIP seats and access to the club-thingy with expensive hot dogs and luxurious drinks. You all know I went two levels down to get my food, I'm so cheap. How am I cheap if I get $55 tickets? Well, my friend got them, not me. He just took me with him, since I love baseball. Then, when we were walking around, 2 hours early, we decided to check out the river.

And then I saw those beautiful dead fish.

I hate advertizements

Was watching television, and when I see commercials with tiny text.. I pause them and read that tiny text. There was this one indian loan commercial that would give you a $5000 loan. If you pause and read the tiny text, to get this loan you basically have to pay 83 payments of $1000 or something like that. Which is just hilarious. But bad.

Basically, if one person signs that contract, they're set. Plus it's well hidden, and it has some random indian person. Can we trust indians? Maybe. Can we trust indian women? Probably. So if you don't pause to read the text and goto get your loan and theres nothing fishy on the contract because who reads contracts anyway and you sign.. you're basically screwed. For life.

Then they have advertizements which are just hilariously idiotic. Potty patch, litter box for dogs. Doesn't tell us how it works, does it really fast, and the commercial involves dogs urinating. Citi Kitty, basically teachs your cat to use the toilet. The commercial is fast, shows you cats sitting on the toilet, doesn't tell you how it works, and then tells you to buy now and then the commercial ends. These commercials are hilariously bad, and who would buy that product? Going onto the website tells you how it works, but come on, the product is outrageous, the commercial is fast and badly done, who is going to even go on the website? I am. And it's even more outrageous on the website.

If you go further into the land of ads and commercials, you get even more outrageous things. When I had FiOs, I got ads for Comcast. When I got Comcast, which I still have today, I got ads for FiOs.

Then again, I don't watch much television. Only use it for Doctor Who, actually. And baseball. I love baseball.

Waking up Upside Down

Whenever I goto sleep, after watching 2 episodes of Doctor Who and watching whatever is on the channel I'm tune to, I goto sleep like normal people do- On my side. I have a nice night sleep, a really good sleep, actually, unless I have some creepy dream. Like a dream about dogs who have masks that make them demons when they take those masks off.

But when I wake up- I wake upside down. I wake up at like the bottom of the bed, with my head hanging off the end and my pillow and blanket all over everywhere, and it's just unpleasant to get up. Most of the time I wake up on the floor, but I know why this happens.

I hate sleeping in beds.
I really do.

I hate sleeping in beds, matresses, all of that. What do I like to sleep in? Chairs, couches, things like that. I toss and turn and get all whacky when I sleep in beds, but when I sleep in a chair and couch, I'm fine the whole sleep and I don't wake up on the floor with drool on the carpet.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fair Tradin'

I was giving my TF2 items to friends, since I don't really care for them anymore..

And this happened.

Allergic to milk

I'm allergic to milk.
But not to ice cream or cheese or chocolate.
Just plain milk.
Which means I could never have a nice cold chocolate drink. You know, the one where you take milk and put chocolate sauce in it and stir it up.

I could never have that.

So today I did something.
I took tap water, and put a bunch of chocolate sauce in it, and stir it up. I put the thing in the freezer, so it would become cold. I mean, this is tap water, it's never cold. You have to put it in the dang freezer just to get it cold enough to be sorta refreshing.

Now I'm waiting.
Waiting for it to cool.

I have the tap water chocolate drink right now.

I'm about to take a drink..

I just spit it out. On my motherboard. My computer is dying.
I'm just kidding. But it's horrible. It's all watery and.. just bad. Don't make tap water chocolate drink. Don't. It will be your doom.

Grilled Chicken and Whip Cream

I don't know what the Doctor was thinking when he decided to eat fish fingers and custard. Grilled Chicken and Whip Cream would been a lot better. I have Grilled Chicken and Whip Cream with a side of toasted cinnamon bread all the time! Fish fingers and custard is probably good, but come on Doctor, Grilled Chicken and Whip Cream! It just has to be delicious

I also prefer potato wedges from KFC dipped in Hershey's chocolate sauce over things like french fries and ketchup. I only like fried chicken if it has cinnamon sprinkled on it and a cherry on top. Why can't Fast Food places give me more food like this? Sure, Burger King has the bacon sundae, but that is missing the bits of lettuce that need to be in that sundae.

My favorite dressing for salads? Barbeque sauce.

Right now I've ran out of butter for my toasted cinnamon chicken. I need to order some more sugary plastic phones for my banana splits, too.


There was once a time when this blog was a tiny bubble smaller than a grain of cinnamon.
Then I decided to actually post something on it. The tiny bubble exploded to form the blog that is yes, better than cinnamon. Why? Because this is TOASTY CINNAMON'S blog. And we all know TOASTY CINNAMON is better than cinnamon.

I don't know what I'm going to do on this blog. Write web comics, rant on stuff, review films I somehow see, but all I know is that cinnamon is good, but this blog is probably better.

I was watching Doctor Who this morning and got a craving for cinnamon. Toasted cinnamon. So I went and got toasted cinnamon. I was more hungry than the Master on the 10th Doctor's last episode thing, End of Time I think it's called. I just accidently turned italics on. Theres a button-shortcut-key thing for turning italics on. Wow. Also, if you like David Tenant, and since he is no longer the Doctor, you don't watch Doctor Who, you are not a real Doctor Who fan. David Tenant was really good, and Matt Smith is too. Just watch the damn show.

I play on this Fallout RP server on Gmod. It's pretty fun. You should join it, too. It's a great server.

Also, click here to go to the server's website.

So, yeah, it's usually active in the late afternoon and evening. It's a pretty fun server, and I've had a lot of fun roleplaying on it.

Right now I'm thinking of making a web comic/show/magazine called Medic Who. Basically Doctor Who but in Fallout. Instead of a Police box TARDIS, he has a Nuka-Cola vending machine TARDIS. Also, I prefer Fallout 1 and 2 over 3 and New Vegas. Just like them more.

I think that's enough for the first post.